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Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4000 meters above sea level, for which Tibet is known as 'Roof of the World'. The highest peak of Tibet, also the highest in Himalayas and in the whole world, is Everst Peak, which is as high as 8,864.27 meters above sea level.

Although a part of China, Tibet has a unique culture of all their own. It is mainly inhabited by Tibetans, a minority nationality of old and mysterious people. Toursits attractions include the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Jokhang Temple, and a number of Buddhist sacred places.

Tibet is to the south of Xin Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qing Hai Province, to the west of Sichuan, to the northwest of Yunnan and to the north of India and Nepal. Its population of 2.3 million people come from a variety of ethnic groups including Tibetan, Han, Monba and Lhota. Its capital city is Lhasa.

Northwest Tibet, mainly Qing Hai plateau, is home to a variety of unusual and unique animals. Across the northern expanse of Tibet, you can see vast grasslands where horses, yak and sheep roam freely. The world's lowest valley, the Grand Yarlun-tzanpo River Valley lies in east Tibet.

Attractions in Tibet:

        The Potala Palace                                     Jokhang Temple                                            Norbulingka


               Sera Monastery                                       Namtso Lake                                            Yamdrok Tso


                 Mountain Everest