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Tiananmen Square

At each corner of the Tiananmen Tower is a marble pillar engraved with flying dragons and clouds. The structure is called Huabiao in Chinese and is a symbol of supremacy built in front of Chinese architecture. On the top of each column perches a scared animal greeting the emperors' return to the city.


In the middle of the square is the 15-meter (50 feet) high Monument to the People's Heroes built in 1952 on which is engraved the inscription of 'The People's Heroes are Immortal' written by Chairman Mao. On the four sides of the foundation there are eight vivid relief sculptures depicting the historical revolutionary events that have occurred in China in the past 100 years.

To the south of the Monument is the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao in which the body of the great man lies in a crystal coffin. A movie hall on the second floor presents some historical documentaries and records for tourists who want to learn more about the great man.

To the west of the square is People's Great Hall and its counterpart building on the east side houses the Chinese History and Revolutionary Museum. It is a must for travelers who are interested in China's recent history.Thousands of Chinese people come to the square everyday to watch the flag-raising ceremony in the morning and show respect to the country.

Located at the center of Beijing City is the heart of the country - Tiananmen Square. It is the largest of its kind in the world, covering an area of over 400,000 square meters (nearly 100 acres).

Tiananmen (Heaven Peace Gate), originally the front of Forbidden City, the well-known imperial palaces from the Ming and Qing dynasties, is situated at the north of the square. The design of the tower has been used as a symbol on the national emblem.