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Xixi National Wetland Park

China's first national wetland park, Xixi National Wetland Park is about 6km from Hangzhou city center. If West Lake is the famed beauty of Hangzhou, Xixi National Wetland Park is its young maiden still hidden at home, not yet discovered by the world.

Literally meaning "west waterway," Xixi is a lush wetland that covers about 10 square kilometers, of which three-and-a-half square kilometers are open to the public as a park. With more than 70 percent of the area being covered by water, Xixi National Wetland Park truly deserves its nickname, "wetland paradise."

You can take a 1-hour electric boat ride(included) on the water which provides pretty views of the waterway, wild weeds and, with a little luck, waterfowl swimming in the lake. After the ride, feel free to take a walk in the park. The complete walk route around the park is about 8km and you can walk as long as you like.