Hong Kong The Avenue of Stars Hong Kong Disneyland Ocean Park Aberdeen Stanley Market Repulse Bay Victoria Peak

Victoria Peak

There's a reason why The Peak is one of the most popular attractions in Hong Kong: It is absolutely incredible! Looking down from The Peak you'll be amazed by the spectacular view of the surrounding city skyline, the world-famous Victoria Harbour and Kowloon, towering skyscrapers and peaceful green hillsides.

Getting there is an unforgettable trip. There's nothing in the world like the Peak Tram. Pulled by steel cables, the tram climbs 373 metres (about 1,200 feet). It's so steep that the buildings you pass look like they're leaning! Whether you're going up or coming down, you'll love this trip.


And now this fabulous vista has been further enhanced by the 2006 revitalisation of one of Hong Kong's most striking landmarks, The Peak Tower. Even more than before, it's a destination in its own right.