Chengdu The Giant Panda Breeding Research Base Mount Emei (Emeishan Mountain) Leshan Giant Buddha

The Giant Panda Breeding Research Base

The Giant Panda Breeding Research Base is located on the mountain of Futoushan in the northern suburbs of the city, 18km away from the town center. Take the rare chance to visit the many pandas in the Breeding Center, from tiny baby pandas to big ones.

 The Giant Panda Museum in the base is a unique museum set up for Giant Panda's in the world. It collects and shows fruits of human knowledge, review and research on the Giant Panda. The Museum shows almost 300 rare, fine pictures and scientific , full & accurate charts about Giant Panda, exhibits literatures and monograph on Giant Panda's at all times.


The Museum systematically and completely introduces Giant Panda's evolvement history, ancient and nowadays distribution, general situation, condition and research of human to Giant Pandas. This lets people roundly know Giant Panda's, understand efforts made by the government to protect and save the animal which is loved by people all of the world and consciously arose the feeling to love and protect Giant Panda and their natural habitat.