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Annual Convention of Emax Travel China

Time:2018-02-07 Click:2555

Emax Travel China had the annual convention on 2nd, Feb. The annual convention including gala dinner was held at Innside Greeenland Zhengzhou Hotel (opened at Jul2017, standard 5*hotel which is close to the Zhengzhou new railway station).

The convention lasted from 18:00pm till 02:00am on the next morning. We may continue the convention until maybe 06:00am the next day, but we understand the hotel staff needs to rest after work for that many hours. So you can see how much we enjoyed the annual convention, we even forgot the time.

Now let me show you this amazing and moving evening.

At the beginning of the convention, our big boss JEFF and the general manager of Emax Travel Beijing branch office, RENA, made a speech separately. They concluded the achievement we got in the year 2017. The number of work staff is almost double that of 2016, and the sales performance is increasing more than two times than last year! All the evidence shows that Emax Travel is stronger and stronger! Thanks to all of our partners for your kind support as always!

Then, our company presented the prizes for the advanced department, Europe Operation Department, the No.1 sales person and the advanced work staff separately. All of them will get a laptop computer. Congratulations! You set us a good example! We will also work hard and try to get this glory at the end of the year 2018!

Now, everyone, let’s enjoy the delicious dinner and cheers for a better 2018. Bottoms up!

During the dinner, our colleagues offered us a visual feast. Look at our Emax work staff, who are not only good at work, but also versatility.

A family photo of Emax Travel! We’d like to share our happiness with all of you! Wish all of our friends and family a happy new year 2018!