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Happy Winter Solstice

Time:2017-12-26 Click:2905

Winter Solitice is coming! We have the shortest day and longest night today. From today on, the day is longer and the night is shorter, and the spring is waiting us not far way!


Each year on this day, we will eat dumplings to celebrate the festival. It is said your ears won't be frozen in winter only if you eat the dumplings on Winter Solitice because the dumplings look like our ears. Today, all Emax Travel staff made the dumplings by ourselves together and we really enjoyed a lot!

Preparation work: See what excellent job our Emax fathers did!


Now let's begin to make dumplings!



OK, the dumplings are ready, more than 400 dumplings are made by us! How cute are they!


Next: boil the dumplings! Let me taste one, humm, yummy!


Dumplings and lunch are ready! Come and enjoy~


Emax Travel China wish all of our friends happy and healthy~