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Running Emax

Time:2017-06-19 Click:2731

Nice Monday! How was your weekend? Emax Travel had a very very happy weekend!

Emax travel had a short trip to Longtan Grand Canyon in Luoyang on 17th & 18th, June, 2017. We enjoyed the beautiful canyon scenery and played some interesting games. All of us enjoyed a lot! You can know how happy we were from the below pictures.

Emax Travel in Longtan Grand Canyon

We had a small game. The first 5 person arrived at the destination would get the bonus and the last 5 person would get the punishment of drinking alcohol. Guess which 5 person were the winners?

It was Father’s Day on 18th, June. Happy Father’s Day to the fathers in Emax Travel!

Running Emax! The Bear team VS the Bull team!

After the furious fighting, the Bear team won the game! See what the winners got? Aha! Massage from the Bull team!

Emax is a big family full of friendship and love! We love Emax and we are willing to dedicate ourselves to our job!